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Medical, Surgical and Anatomy

This is a small selection of our inventory of Medical, Surgical and Anatomy prints for sale. Additional inventory is available. Contact us with your request. 1-800-879-6277

Organs - Brains, Heart, Kidney, Lungs, Intestines, etc.

c.1840 Hand colored Duval lithograph, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia depicting the Arteries in Plate 34. Two Figures are shown of arteries in a column-like structure.
12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. $80

c.1840 P.S. Duval Hand colored lithograph published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia on Plate 14 showing the pulmonary system of the Viscera.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $100

c.1842 P.S. Duval lithograph showing Plate 17 of the Viscera. Published by Carey & Hart.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $80

1885 Hand colored lithograph showing the thorax on Plate 14. Drawn from Nature by W. Bagg and published by Taylor & Walton, London. Separate text page included.
19 1/2 x 12 in. $300

“Die Verdauung.” (Digestion) 5 illustrations showing the stomach, right kidney and adrenals, longitudinal section of the left kidney, and renal tubes. 1895 colored lithograph by J.F. Schreiber. Theodor Himmelein.
12 3/4 x 16 3/8 in. $120

Arteries, Plate 20. Showing the vein structure of the kidneys down to the stomach. 1843 Duval lithograph published by Carey & Hart.
9 1/2 x 12 in. $80

1843 P.S. Duval Hand colored lithograph showing the "Arteries," showing the large intestine in one Figure. Published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia.
12 x 9 in. $80

1842 Hand colored copper engraving showing the "Nerves," in nine Figures in Plate 38. Published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Figures 3 and 4 show how the nerves penetrate the layers of skin and figures 6, 7 and 8 show the nerves on the fingertips.
12 x 10 in. $40

Anatomy of Human Organs. 21 figures showing views of the Heart and Stomach. 1851 engraving by H. Winkles, published in the JG. Heck’s Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art.
9 1/4 x 11 in. $80

Anatomy illustration showing 17 figures of various parts of the brain, skull, leg, heart, foot, and stomach regions. 1851 engraving by H. Winkles, published in the JG. Heck’s Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art.
9 1/4 x 11 in. $80

c.1880 Hand colored steel engraving, Pl. 503 titled on bottom, "Physiologie." Engraving shows the front of a man with his internal organs exposed.
11 1/4 x 7 1/4 in. $60

c.1842 Hand colored lithograph showing all the veins and arteries in the human body and where Accidents and Emergencies might occur.
10 x 7 in. $40

c.1843 Nerves, Plate 10. Hand colored lithograph by P.S. Duval, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Image shows the nerves in the brain structure.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $150

c.1843 Arteries, Plate 18. Hand colored lithograph by P.S. Duval, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Image shows the Arteries in the arm & hand.
12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. $60

c.1843 Arteries, Plate 25. Hand colored lithograph by P.S. Duval, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Image shows the Arteries in posterior of the leg.
12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. $60

c.1843 Arteries, Plate 29. Hand colored lithograph by P.S. Duval, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Image shows the frontal view of the Arteries in the leg.
12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. $60

c.1843 Arteries, Plate 32. Hand colored lithograph by P.S. Duval, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Image the Arteries in the foot.
12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. $60

1879 A. Kraufse sc. Leipzig.  Tab XXXIV. Principal Organs of Digestion and Blood-vessels of Abdominal Viscera. Hand colored, copper engraving.
10 1/4 x 14 7/8 in. $80

Anatomy illustration showing 12 figures of various parts of the brain, skull, leg, heart, foot, and stomach regions. 1851 engraving by H. Winkles, published in the JG. Heck’s Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art.
9 1/4 x 11 1/2 in. $60

Der Htmung “The Breathing.” Showing the schematic of the respiratory system. 1895 colored lithograph by J.F. Schreiber. Theodor Himmelein.
12 3/4 x 16 3/8 in. $120

Gehirn and Nerven “The Brain and Nerves.” Showing the schematic of Nerves and Brain. 1895 colored lithograph by J.F. Schreiber. Theodor Himmelein.
12 3/4 x 16 3/8 in. $120

Der Blutkreislauf “The Bloodstream.” Showing the vein anatomy of the brain and organs. 1895 colored lithograph by J.F. Schreiber. Theodor Himmelein.
12 3/4 x 16 3/8 in. $120  


Muscles, Bones, Skeletons.

1912 Color fold-out showing the upper part of the human body on the cover.When opened, the left side shows the skeletal image, and the right side shows the rib cage and some internal organs. Both 1321med and 1321.5med are one unit. Published by I.W. Wagner.
9 1/2 x 7 in. $50

1912 Color flap-up images showing the right leg structure, Optic Nerve in the eyeball, the ear canal structure, and human hand structure. Published by I.W. Wagner.
9 1/2 x 7 in. $50

1850 Skeleton hand colored lithograph published by Carey & Hart.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $250

1859 Uncolored steel engraving titled, "Muscles Of the Human Body."
11 x 8 in. $50

1809 Hand colored lithograph showing the muscle groups on the front and back of the human body. Published by James Albian.
10 x 8 in. $60

c.1840 Hand colored Duval lithograph, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia depicting the Muscles in Plate 17. Two Figures show the muscles in the arms and hands.
12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. $60

1843 P.S. Duval hand colored lithograph published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia which shows the Muscles, Plate 36 in two figures of the human leg from the knee down to the toes.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $80

1843 P.S. Duval hand colored lithograph published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia showing Muscles, Plate 37 in two figures of the human leg from the knee down.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $80

Superficial and Deep dissections of the outer and popliteal sides of the knee and leg. 1892 George McClellan, M.D. Armstrong & Co. Lith., Boston.
8 3/8 x 11 in. $60

Dissection and views of the right knee and leg both extended, semi-flexion, and flexed. 1892 George McClellan, M.D. Armstrong & Co. Lith., Boston.
8 3/8 x 11 in. $60

1843 Duval lithograph, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia depicting the Muscles in Plate 10. The chest and arm muscles are depicted in two Figures.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $60

1843 P.S. Duval Hand colored lithograph titled, "Muscles," in Plate 32 showing two Figures of muscles covering bones.Published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $60

1843 P.S Duval Hand colored lithograph titled, "Muscles," in Plate 38 which show two Figures of the knee on down to the foot and toes and the muscles surrounding the calves. Published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $80

Also See:
Surgical & Dental Equipment


Circulation Skeleton. 1944 by Rudolf Schick. On canvas. Shows some crackle throughout. Chromolithograph.
50 x 29 in. $450

Chart of the Muscular System with it's Arterial and Nervous Relations by G.H. Michel. 1910. Chromolithograph.
31 1/2 x 42 in. $500

C.1870 Hand colored lithograph showing nerves inside the human eye. From Neurologia, Tab. LII.
21 x 16 1/2 in. $250

C.1870 Hand colored lithograph showing the layers of the optic nerve and other images related to the human eye. From Neurologia, Tab. LI.
21 x 16 in. $250

1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Neurologia, Tab. I" which shows several views of the inside of the brain.
21 1/2 x 16 in. $250

C.1870 Hand colored lithograph featured in Neurologia, Tab. LIII.
21 x 16 in. $250

C.1870 Hand colored lithograph from Neurologia, Tab. LV.
21 x 16 in. $250

1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Angiologia, Tab. I" which shows two views of the heart with connecting arteries.
21 1/2 x 16 in. $300

C.1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Angiologia, Tab. XIII." Lithograph shows three views of the arm and hand with vein and tendon structure connecting all the way to the fingertips.
21 1/2 x 16 in. $300

1879 Rare chromolithograph from Endosmologia, Tab. VIII which shows two figures of the pulmonary and the heart cavity.
21 x 16 in. $300

C.1870 Hand colored lithograph from Endosmologia, Tab. IX.
21 x 16 in. $300

C.1879 Hand colored lithograph featured in Endosmologia, Tab. XI.
21 x 16 in. $300

1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Osteologia, Tab. XIII." Several figures show the inside of the skull and its bone structures.
21 x 16 in. $250

C.1870 Lithograph featured in Osteologia, Tab. XX.
21 x 16 in. $250

C.1870 Lithograph from Osteologia, Tab. XIX.
21 x 16 in. $250

C.1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Syndesmologia. Tab. VIII." Lithograph shows the ligament structure of the hands, feet and connecting joints.
21 1/2 x 16 in. $250

1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Syndesmologia, Tab. VII." Lithograph shows the tendons and bone structure of the hands, feet, fingers and toes.
21 1/2 x 16 in. $250

C.1870 Hand colored lithograph showing the human skull and several vertebrae figures. From Syndesmologia, Tab. 1.
21 x 16 in. $250

1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Myologia, Tab. VIII." Lithograph shows a figure of a muscled half-torso, as well as four views of the spinal column with attached muscle. Bottom figures show five views of the shoulder with connecting muscle.
21 1/2 x 16 in. $250

C.1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Myologia, Tab. 2." Lithograph shows several sections of the arm and hand which includes the finger digits and shoulders.
21 1/2 x 16 in. $175

C. 1879 Hand colored lithograph titled, "Myologia, Tab. I." Lithograph shows several views of the arm and hand, including their joints and muscles.
21 1/2 x 16 in. $175

Muscles, Bones, Skeletons.

1843 Hand colored Duval lithograph, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia depicting the Muscles in Plate 43. Four Figures are shown revealing the muscles from the head down to the ribcage.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $80

1859 Images of the Muscles of the Back. Intricately engraved images titled, "Muscles of the Back," from the Anatomical Atlas, Illustrative of The Structure of The Human Body.
10 1/2 x 6 1/2 in. $30

1859 Image of the Texture of Bones. Intricately engraved images titled, "Texture of Bones," from the Anatomical Atlas, Illustrative of The Structure of The Human Body.
10 1/2 x 6 1/2 in. $30

1852 Images of the Human Skeleton. Intricately engraved images titled, "Fracture of the Skull and Unreduced Dislocation," from the Operative Surgery Illustrated.
8 x 10 in. $40

1842 P.S. Duval hand colored lithograph published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Showing 8 illustrations of the structure of the Knee.
9 3/8 x 12 1/4 in. $60

Skelton Pair c.1808. Front & Rear views. Hand colored, copper engraving.
8 1/4 x 10 3/8 in. $250


1875 Sir William Withey Gull chromolithograph titled, "Physiological Physic." Sir Gull was the Baronet and extraordinary physician to the Queen after he had snatched the Prince from death. This chromolithograph was featured in Vanity Fair and is by Ape. Fine condition.
15 x 10 in. $90

1872 Vanity Fair Chromolithograph in very fine condition showing Dr. Quin who introduced homeopathy to the United Kingdom. Featured in Vanity Fair.
13 x 7 1/2 in. $90

1876 Vanity Fair - Homeopathy and Phrenology chromolithograph in very fine condition showing Mr.James Manby Gully who advanced the docttine of hydropathy (water cure) homeopathy and phrenology. Featured in Vanity Fair.
13 x 7 1/2 in. $90

1887 Sir Morell Mackenzie, a specialist and pioneer in Laryngology, wrote books and founded the Hospital of the Throat. Chromolithograph by Ayre. Featured in Vanity Fair and in fine condition.
13 x 7 1/2 in. $90

1873 Vanity Fair featuring Sir William Jenner, "Physician Extraordinary to the Queen and the Prince of Wales," first pointed out the differences between typhis and typhoid fever. Fine condition.
13 x 7 1/2 in. $90

1874 Sir Henry Thompson, famous surgeon who specialized in Urology and amassed a fortune, successfully operated on a Belgian King, advocated cremation. Chromolithograph by Ayre. This was featured in Vanity Fair. Fine condition.
13 x 7 1/2 in. $90

Medical: Diseases

1885 Engraved anatomy chart showing the diseases of the organs of respiration. Elegantly hand colored engraved image titled,"Diseases of the Organs of Respiration and Catarrhal Inflammation of Larynx, Trachea and Bronchi."
11 x 16 in. $60

1885 Pictures of the Diseases of the Spinal Centers of the Peripheral Nerves. Intricate hand colored engraved images titled,"Diseases of the Spinal Centers of the Peripheral Nerves," from Pathological Anatomy by J.A. Jeancon, M.D. Shows the diseased organs.
18 x 12 in. $80

1885 Diseases of the Cerebro-Spinal Axis and of its Membranes haematoma durae matris crebral tuberculosis.
12 x 18 in. $80

1885 Chromolithograph showing the Diseases of the Blood Vessels with Purulent Endo-Arteriitis and gangrene of right foot and leg and sclerosis of the inner arterial coat. Sec. IV, Tab. V. Lithograph by W.M. Donaldson.
17 1/2 x 12 in. $80

1885 Chromolithograph showing the Diseases of the Liver, Spleen and Lymphatics in Hyperplastic and Indurative Splenitis in Section VII, Tab. VI in six figures. Lithograph by W.M. Donaldson. Featured in Pathological Anatomy, Pathology and Physical Diagnoses by J.A. Jeancon, M.D.
17 1/2 x 12 in. $80

1885 Diseases of the Spinal Centers of Peripheral Nerves - Typical case of disseminated sclerosis, spinal cerebral.
12 x 18 in. $80

1885 Diseases of the Cerebro-Spinal Axis and of its Membranes - Chronic Central Myelitis.
12 x 18 in. $80



1795 Copper engraving from Midwifery in Plate CCCVII showing the unborn fetus as it takes shape inside the abdominal cavity.
11 x 8 in. $80

1795 Copper engraving from Midwifery in Plate CCCVIII showing the pre-delivery of the fetus as it's ready to leave the birth canal with the forceps in place.
11 x 8 in. $80

1830 Lithograph
11 x 8 5/8 in. $80

Other Misc:

1913 Annual Report of Foochow Missionary Hospital. “A New Hospital in a New China.” 14pp softcover booklet with 7 photos bound in. Summary of years activities, financial, and medical. Plus, extra donation request form and union prayer service.
5 3/8 x 8 1/8 in. $75

Hypnotism. 1896. “Santanelli & His Subjects Before the Camera.” Picture of subjects demonstrating the “realism of hypnotism” and showing postures such as catalytic state and human woodpile. Plus, article (verso) by Henry Tyrell about Sunatelle.
16 3/4 x 23 in. $150

US Ambulance Service and Red Cross c.1917. Color lithograph by Pellerin (precursor of comics) Shows WWI motorcycles with side cars, ambulances, cook stoves, soldiers and nuns. *Simple wood frame – double matt.
Image size: 11 x 14 ¾ in. – Frame size: 16 ¾ x 20 ½ in. $125

Ears, Nose, Throat, Eyes.

1842 Duval lithograph published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Plate 33 is shown with views of the ear canal, eustachian tube and the cochlea in several views.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $80

1859 Engraving on two sides showing The Internal Ear which was originally part of the Anatomical Atlas, Illustrative of The Structure of The Human Body by Henry H. Smith, M.D., published in Philadelphia by Blanchard and Lea. Illustrations are included with text. Scattered foxing not affecting the image is seen around the borders.
10 1/2 x 6 1/2 in. $30

1842 Hand colored Duval lithograph, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia depicting the Nerves in Plate 34. Seven Figures are shown in all.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $80

1842 Duval lithograph published in Philadelphia by Carey & Hart on Plate 34 titled, "Nerves," which shows the inner workings on the ear canal, including the cochlea.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $60

Nerves, Plate 31. 12 figures showing the optic nerves of the human eye (front views). 1842 Duval lithograph published by Carey & Hart.
9 1/2 x 12 in. $80

Nerves, Plate 30. 5 figures showing the optic nerves of the human eye (side view). 1842 Duval lithograph published by Carey & Hart.
9 1/2 x 12 in. $80

Anatomy of the Human eye. 45 figures showing various views of the human eye. 1851 engraving by H. Winkles, published in the JG. Heck’s Iconographic Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art.
9 1/4 x 11 in. $80

Anatomy of the Human eye. 18 figures showing various views of the eye. 1830 Copper engraving.
8 1/2 x 11 in. $60

“Das Auge des Menschen.” – The eye of the Human. Detailed view showing the anatomy of the eye (socket, muscles, etc.) 1892 Chromolithograph published by F.A. Brockhaus, Germany.
6 1/8 x 9 1/2 in. $40

Carey & Hart Lithograph of the Nerves, Plate 12. Figure 1 shows the optic nerve system and Figure 2 shows another view. Published in Philadelphia.
12 x 10 in. $80

C.1840 Hand colored Duval lithograph, published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia depicting the Nerves in Plate 35. Six figures showing the structure of the nose.
12 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. $80

1843 P.S. Duval hand colored lithograph published by Carey & Hart showing the Muscles in the neck in two views. Muscles, Plate 3.
12 x 9 1/2 in. $80

Anatomy of the Eye "Organs of Sense" - Plate I. 1809 Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme Paternoster Row. Hand colored, copper engraving.  Hand colored, steel engraving.
8 1/4 x 10 3/8 in. $80

"Das Auge" - The Eye. 5 illustrations showing the anatomy of the eyeball. 1895 colored lithograph by J.F. Schreiber. Theodor Himmelein.
12 5/8 x 16 in. $120

"Das Ohr" - The Ear. 6 illustrations showing the anatomy of the ear. 1895 colored lithograph by J.F. Schreiber. Theodor Himmelein.
12 5/8 x 16 in. $120

1842 Duval lithograph published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Plate 3 is shown with muscle views of the throat and neck area.
9 1/2 x 12 1/4 in. $60

1856 Duval lithograph published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Plate 16 titled Nerves. Mouth, throat and neck nerves are shown.
9 1/2 x 12 1/4 in. $60

5 figures of the Oral and Nasal cavity with labeling detailing each section; written in German. 1906 Bibliographic Institute in Leipzig.
6 1/8 x 9 5/8 in. $30

Mouth, Nostrils and Larynx. 7 figures showing detailed views of each section written in German. 1896 Bibliographic Institute in Leipzig.
9 1/2 x 12 1/8 in. $40

1843 Duval lithograph published by Carey & Hart, Philadelphia. Plate 50 titled Muscles. 10 figures showing the mouth, throat, neck and ear muscles.
9 3/4 x 12 1/4 in. $40

Diagram showing 9 figures of the Ear. Eardrum, auditory ossicles, verticle cross section, etc. 1896 Bibliographic Institute in Leipzig.
9 1/2 x 12 in. $40

Catalog pages showing the various instruments for Nasal applicating. 2 double sided pages with instrument names & prices indexed. 1919 A.S. Aloe Company, St. Louis.
6 1/4 x 9 1/2 in. $50

Medical: Surgical

1852 Images of Finger Amputation. Intricately engraved images titled, "Amputation of the Four Fingers at their Metacarpal Joints," from the Operative Surgery Illustrated.
8 x 10 in. $40

C. 1750 Hand colored copper engraving, Lam. XIII, Fol. 139 showing two men standing next to a seated man as they examine his left hand. Left side of engraving shows two bandaged hands.
8 x 6 in. $75

C. 1750 Hand colored copper engraving, Lam. XXII, Fol. 254 showing the back of a seated man surrounded by three people who are examining his upper torso. Bottom righthand corner shows half a torso with no arms.
8 x 6 in. $75

C. 1750 Hand colored copper engraving, Lam. VII, Fol. 101 showing a naked man lying on an examining table as three men examine him. Nearby is a lower torso model.
8 x 6 in. $75

Medical: Ads & Prints

1878 Look Before You Eat - And see if you can discover any unadulterated food. (133 year old cartoon) Chromolithograph published by PUCK.
13 1/2 x 9 1/2 in. $150

1920 Half-tone advertisement for Benger's Food which was served in the Great Hospitals. Featured in The Graphic.
15 x 10 in. $30

1916 Half-tone from The Illustrated London News showing a doctor bandaging a French Red-Cross dog's paw.
15 1/2 x 10 1/2 in. $25

1893 Hand colored half-tone images showing, "The Syms Operating Theatre of the Roosevelt Hospital, New York." Five views in all. Featured in Harper's Weekly.
16 x 11 in. $40

1892 Harper's Weekly hand colored wood engraving titled, "In A Public Dispensary -- Treating Patients of La Grippe." Drawn by C.S. Reinhart. In top border there is a public library sticker but it doesn't affect the actual image.
15 1/2 x 10 1/2 in. $40

1886: In The Small Back Parlor Behind the Apothecary's Shop. A group of people are shown relaxing in the parlor behind the pharmacists shop. This hand colored engraving is from the cover of the July, 1886 edition of Harper's Weekly Magazine.
16 x 11 in. $40

Stork: "Somebody's Coming To My House." Litograph sheet music cover by Irving Berlin 1913. Words inside "I can hear mother croon - he'll be president soon."
13 1/2 x 10 5/8 in. $35

Civil War. Wounded soldiers being cared for. Original wood engraving. 1864.
11 x 16 in. $50

Medicine in Klondyke entitled "Life in the Klondyke Gold Fields: The Dark Side of the Picture: The Camp Doctor's Daily Work." This hand tinted, half-tone engraving appeared in The Graphic (London) 1898. It was drawn by J. Gulch and shows a sick prospector visiting the tent of Edward McIntyre Physician and Surgeon.
23 x 16 in. $100

Country Doctor by A.R. Waud - Visiting Patient at Home. 1869 Water color, Wood engraving.
11 x 15 5/8 in. $60

1862 Winslow Homer wood engraving titled, "The Surgeon at Work at the Rear During an Engagement." Featured in Harper's Weekly. Image shows wounded soldiers being cared for under a tree, away from battle.
16 x 11 in. $125

Cosmetic Surgery - Early Days. "Complexion Specialist at her Painful and Disfiguring Work." Electric treatments, plastering, steaming, massage, scraping. 1896 Halftone photograph.
15 3/8 x 9 7/8 in. $30

Vaccinating the Poor. Small Pox Epidemic in NY. 1872 Water colored, Wood engraving.
11 x 16 in. $40

1878 Hand colored wood engraving titled, "A Visit To the Dentist." Featured as a Supplement in Harper's Weekly.
16 x 11 in. $60

Prohibition Era - Prescriptions. 1920s Original prescriptions for alcohol. (14 copies)
5 7/16 x 4 7/16 in. $25

Prohibition Era Prescriptions. Original 1920s perscriptions for Morphine, Heroin, etc.
14 3/8 x 9 3/4 in. $30

Prohibition Era Prescriptions. Original 1920s perscriptions for Morphine, Heroin, etc.
14 3/8 x 9 3/4 in. $30

Exquisite Beecham Pill's ad "Health Crowning Beauty." Without a rival, Throughout the World, Worth a Guinea a box! 1889 Illustrated London News. Hand colored, wood engraving.
11 x 16 in. $60

Beecham Pill's ad "The Beecham Waltz - by May Ostlere." Side columns showing the many uses for the pills. 1889 Illustrated London News. Hand colored.
11 x 16 in. $40

1910 Emerson's Bromo-Seltzer advertisement. Features the song "Auld Lang Syne" by Robert Burns, piano and lyrics on verso.
10 1/2 x 14 in. $60

"Reception of Nurses at Marlborough House." Showing the Princess of Wales passing out certificates to the last joined members of the Royal National pension fund. 1895 Half-tone print from The Graphic Newspaper.
11 x 16 in. $40

"The Visit of the Cesarewitch to India." Showing 4 boats at Bombay Harbour with
Beecham Pill ads on the sails to help convice the most sceptical that Beecham has the largest sale of any proprietary medicine in the World. 1891 Illustrated London News. Hand colored, wood engraving.
11 x 16 in. $60

View of the Homoeopathic Hospital on Ward's Island. 1875 Harper's Weekly. Wood engraving.
6 x 10 1/2 in. $30

Beechams Pills ad "A Gigantic Cure" Elephant Feast at Accrington, Chorley anbd St. Helens. 1889 The Graphic. Wood engraving.
11 1/4 x 15 5/8  in. $60

1896 Advertisement for Geraudel's Pastilles - used to treat coughs. Fassett & Johnson. Published in The Graphic.
8 x 11 in. $40

1888 Warner's Log Cabin Remedies advert. Featuring their Sarsaparilla and many other remedies, "Six for the Price of Five."
7 1/2 x 10 in. $60

"Rupture Permanently Cured or No Pay." 1893 The O.E. Miller Co. Ad featuring their examination free method of curing all kinds of rupture.
11 x 16 in. $100

"Notes at the International Sanitary and Medical Exhibition." 5 vignettes showing the various methods and techniques used to help patients. 1881 The Graphic. Wood engraving.
8 x 10 in. $40

2 pictures showing an Apparatus for eletric auscultation and Applying the respritory test. Articles include Apparatus for Internal Diagnosis, Military use of Sabadilla and Docking Zeppelins. 1916 Scientific American. Half-tone print.
10 1/4 x 15 in. $60

Korean War quadruple amputee Cpl. Robert Smith of Middleburg, Pennsylvania, wiring control panels at the VA in Washington." 1955 Illustrated Current News. *Middle fold creases are visible.
12 3/8 x 19 in. $60

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