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This is a small selection of our inventory of antique Patriotic prints. Additional inventory is available. Contact us with your request. 1-800-879-6277 

003pat: Sheet Music from 1917. "Patriotic Songs of To-Day For Every American Home". Published by Lew Berk Music Company in Rochester, N.Y. Includes: 'Tramp, Tramp, Tramp' as well as 'Dixie Land', 'The Battle Cry of Freedom', 'Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean', and 'The Star Spangled Banner'. Small 1/2 in. tear on edge of each page. Front and Back cover detatched. 10.5x14 in. $20

005pat: 1904 Sheet Music, Salute to America March and Two-Step by Harry J. Lincoln. Published by Vandersloot Music Co. Williamsport Penn'a. 10.5x13 in. $20

007pat: The Star Spangled Banner The A Flat (Easy-to-Sing) Edition. Vocal and Piano with arrangements for all B Flat, E Flat, C, and Bass Clef Instruments. Star Music Publications - New York, N.Y. in 1943. 9x12 in. $20

008pat: 1904 Public Morality Washington & Adams. “Two Old Time Standard Bearers” – Quotes relating to their scrupulous avoidance of any conflict of interest as public servants. 1884. Chromolithograph.
10 x 13 ½ in. $90

009pat: Imperial US Eagle Spreading Wings over Philippines, Cuba, Hawaii and Porto Rico as chicks in the nest. Chromolithograph cartoon during Spanish American War era. 1901 Puck Cover..
9 ½ x 13 3/8 in. $60

011pat: The Man Behind The Gun Will Settle This War. U.S. Navy. 1898 Puck Magazine. Lithograph. 1885 Puck Magazine. Lithograph.
9 1/2 x 13 1/2 in. $60

012pat: The Old Attempt. -Mr. Beecher is Trying to Bridge the Chasm between the Old Orthodoxy and Science with his Little Series of "Evolution Sermons." We Wish Him Luck; but We Don't Feel Hopeful. 1885 Puck Magazine. Lithograph.
9 1/2 x 13 in. $60

013pat: The Modern Sphinx Has Spoken. The American Battle-Ship is no longer an uknown quality. 1893 Puck Magazine. Lithograph. **Mended/Tape is visible middle right quadrent.
9 1/2 x 13 in. $60

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